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Contadora Erika Ortiz

Hello, my name is Emma Ramirez,

I am proudly from Dolores Hidalgo, Guanajuato, the place where Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla began Independence. Surely that is where a lot of my fighting and tireless personality comes from.

When it was time to choose my career, I had the opportunity to study Law or International Commerce, I chose to study Commerce, because it was a new career and it would give me the opportunity to work in Customs. I worked for the Government of the State of Guanajuato, supporting the artisans of the State, there I realized that I wanted to focus my career on helping others.  

In 2003, after getting married, I moved to the United States with my husband,  who, thank God, has always been present in my life to support me and help me fulfill my dreams.

I firmly believe that we all have a purpose, so even though I left my country, my family, my friends and work, it was not difficult to settle down and feel the shelter and protection of my loved ones again. Some days I felt nostalgic for not having my parents close by, but they had taught me to be strong and I knew that they were still with me from a distance.


My first job was cleaning offices, but soon I wanted to resume the path that I had started in Mexico and decided to study Taxes, I wanted to have the possibility to help many people and, in January 2005, with my License, I started working in an office of Taxes.  

After having lost my first Baby, many things changed, but without realizing it, hope returned a few months later when I learned that I was pregnant again, when I had my son, I discovered that the established schedules and depending on someone else, was complicated for my, but I felt that I had a lot to learn, so I was working in the same office until 2010, the year I received the news that I was no longer required to work in that place. My dismissal coincided with my third pregnancy, so my husband encouraged me to start my own business, and thus share my life as a Mom and a Professional.  

I equipped a small space and from home I began to work doing taxes, there were not many clients, but it fills me with happiness to say that most of them are still with me.

In August 2013 I decided to speak with Erika, my partner, great friend and almost sister, today. To invite her to form a business in which the two of us could support the Latino community and better understand the system of this country. Although at first I was not very convinced, here we are with this wonderful project called MCS TAX PROFESSIONALS, after several years. Growing and helping, just as we promised ourselves from day one.  

Since I met Erika, I knew that I could rely on her, we both share many ideals, values and above all the desire to look after our family, while helping others take care of and protect their heritage.

After so many losses in my life, difficult moments and tests of faith. I believe that God prepares us to be able to serve and that thanks to all those experiences lived today I have not only been able to fulfill my dream, but also that I help many other people to that they fulfill theirs.  

There is still much to do and I hope that you, who are reading this, can be part of this great family and together raise the name of our community.  

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15960 E 14th St San Leandro, California


Tel: 510-278-8987

Monday - Friday    9:00 am - 8:00 pm

Saturday.                9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Sunday.                  CERRADO



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